Arjun Rampal is not a typical Bollywood hero Arjun Rampal is flooded with praises and is overwhelmed at the response for his upcoming filmInkaar, starring Chitrangada Singh and helmed bySudhir Mishra. The director, who has teamed up with Arjun for the very first time in the film says the actor is finally getting roles that suit him. He said, "Arjun is growing as an actor. Finally films are also changing and it suits him more as an actor. Though he has got all the looks, he is not stylized sort of typical Hindi film hero actor. He is actually a very good actor and is comfortable with our kind of films more." Inkaar, which is all set to release on 18 January, is about sexual harassment at work-place. Rampal, 40, has successfully managed to shake off his wooden face image with films like Raajneeti, Rock On and Mishra says Rampal is lucky to be part of the industry at a time when it is changing. "When you see Rock On, Raajneeti, he is very good. He is lucky that Indian cinema has changed in his time and the kind of films that are being made gelled with his kind of acting," says Mishra who has made films like Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, Dharavi and Chameli. Recently, Arjun's wife Mehr too had praised him and his excellent act in Inkaar. Arjun is happy with the overall reviews the film has bagged so far and is now waiting for its release. Hope it sets the cash registers at box-office ringing!